
More customers for
less cost

We match you with customers in your region through our online platforms. With over 40 websites in six European countries, we are there for you.


The seven unique benefits of collaborating with Bambelo

Discover how you are always assured of interested customers without having to do a lot of marketing.

  • Continuous flow of customers
  • No obligation
  • No preliminary process, just interested customers
  • You only pay if it works
  • Choose the size of your region
  • Help and advice from a personal Happiness Manager
  • No worries about digital marketing
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We help your business grow to its maximum potential

By matching customer enquiries with our partners' offerings, we connect you to the consumer looking for your service.

Read how we do this

Watch your customer base grow

Foto Bongo Homepage-min

In Bambelo, we have a valuable added means of achieving our business goals

'"Bongo Solar aims to supply solar power to as many consumers as possible quickly and easily. Besides using our own marketing channels, we also acquire leads through external platforms, and Bambelo supplies good leads that enable us to achieve our business goals. They also help us strategically by continuing to optimise our lead process."

Marco Kalden
Marketing & Communication Manager - BonGo Solar
050321 Yonego _30404

We are Bambelo

With us, you will find people who proactively and joyfully work towards a common goal to achieve a worthwhile result. We don't do this based on gut feeling – we are data-driven and keep testing our hypotheses.

Discover who we are

Every day, 3,000+ partners use Bambelo's services to find more customers

Are you ready for a lot more customers?

All around you, consumers are waiting for the services you provide. We make sure they know where to find you. Contact us and together we'll see what you need.